I am sitting in an internet cafe outside, watching the business of Newark avenue pass me by. It’s not the most beautiful scene but I really like being outside right now. October was always my favorite month, not for the Birthday’s sake but because Rocktober is really just the best–colors and apples and it’s not November so it’s not too cold. And September is just a weird month in general.

I have been thinking lately that I really should have gone to art school. Doing art has been the pinnacle of my happiness–it’s just the process that I have enjoyed. I have always shied away from it seriously because it never seemed like anything you could really make any money at–and my friends who went to art school seem to be doing anything but art these days.

I think I might need to do a little digging and research into the things I can do at Columbia with this–it seems ridiculous for me to drop out of this school and go off to another experiment somewhere else. I am always dabbling, yes, experimenting anyways so there is no need to do anymore of that. Or maybe there is. Everyone tells me I am a writer…yeah, I’ve got a penchant for it. But is it, it? I have no fucking clue. My father’s best friend Carlos took this test that cost $400 something which identifies all of your strengths and weaknesses and basically points you in a very specific direction. I might have to do that one day when I can blow tons of cash–NOT. I think I know what my strengths are, what my weaknesses are. And choosing is definitely one of the latter’s.

I heart this dress I found the other day. And I almost let myself buy it (I am insane sometimes yes). The dude I saw on tv last night was talking about how buying nice things is the thing to do right before a depression because a depression couldn’t take away looking and feeling good. Pretty funny, I realize. I am going to wait for a check from my grandma to arrive before I consider doing anything like that though,

I am still in shock I think, from the past weekend. There was just a ton going on. FS asked me to tell him stories, and I was like, um, read about them. But I don’t have any specific ones anyways…I was just a screwed up specimen under glass and I didn’t say anything wrong. I was very proud of myself for that because I often say stupid (wrong) things. I tried to be very careful about what I said because I was being judged. But my representative didn’t let me down.

I really like my comp lit class even if I don’t get it really. I want to understand more about philosophy and all that—I got lost today somewhere in the discussion about how romanticism and the Germans thinking they were it caused the holocaust…or affected it or something. I really need that comp lit for dummies book.

I dyed my hair brown and it is streaked all caramely. It is growing, which I like. My birthday is next week and I don’t want to do anything for it…in fact I won’t do anything for it but shut my phone off and pretend it isn’t happening. Not because I don’t like birthdays but because nobody is really around to play with…and hearing from people far away will just make me sad…so. No. Phone off, and I will probably sit here and treat myself to lunch again. And I will start writing the story of my life. I think I am going to start these chapters now–like a specific diary of sorts. Obviously writing a memoir would be kind of stupid considering I haven’t lived through anything really monumental but my own life.

I mean, would writing about all of this shit warrant a memoir?

heart surgery
being adopted
meeting my birth parents
being raped
being physically and emotionally tormented
growing up all over the country
dating every kind of man you could imagine (except wife beaters)
being a bad friend
being on the losing end of a bad friendship

I have a ton of subjects and I could just write about them for history’s sake. And then one day when I am somebody I will have a nice skeleton of a book to work with…maybe.

I need to write these poems now. Uh huh.