everyone has some douchebag in them…maybe a little jerk in there that’s itching to come out.

hey, i have it too. every once in a while i want to slap someone in the face or really put them in their place. luckily i don’t find situations easy to come by, and hate hurting others.

I am a bit calmer than I am used to these days…which is not altogether bad. I think nagging has paralyzed me from caring about most things. to not be around it is just different. needy needy needy needy

I am needy, I guess, but in an entirely different way. in a human way. yeah, i’d liked to be loved as much as the next guy..or girl, but i don’t need to force my ways or viewpoints down the throats of the people around me. i want to live my life and get some acknowledgment along the way, but nothing with strings attached. None of that, yeah that’s cool, if you only just…or yeah that would be good but you need to…forget all that.

I realized last night I am not as big of a mess as people tend to think. I am getting it together. I am going to make all y’all proud–but most importantly I need to stay true to myself. And ENJOY my life along the way. I suspect (given recent events), that things won’t be boring. I also look forward to them not being boring and having a little sweetness, a little sourness, a little grit and a lot of soft.

have i talked about my bed lately? I have a hard time leaving it.

but the most difficult thing for me these days? a refrigerator. I have cable. internet is coming too. but a fridge lets me eat like a human instead of a “Consumer”. Which is so not good for my finances lately. and it has such a negative connotation (even while not being anything inherently negative).