CN8 listing this charade they call the GOP (grand oldpeople’s party) as “The Next American President” is pretty presumptuous if you ask me.
In any case, today was my first day of school and although it started off pretty annoying, it ended pretty well, actually no, all the in between parts were the best. The end was good, the second part was interesting. I have some snooty english accented professors that make me feel distinguished sitting in their classes but also make me feel like I just might be too inferior to be there. I often find this with english accents-they intimidate me and I don’t like them really at all. And my comparative literature class really is no joke at the introductory level…no joke at all. It’s like philosophy embroiled with literary theory. And I know very little on either, so what am I going to add to the mix? Probably mad confusion. I might look at other options only because I might have bit off more than I can chew and I have nobody to talk about these theorists with–
If I did not have the delicious time in between burning my skin off and laying in the park, getting sushi and trying to find books, well I might be a bit more ornery than I feel right now. And I feel pretty ornery. I want my new place now. I want t-mobile to kiss my butt and get real coverage. And I want to complain for a bit.
I think I might need the catharsis of painting for a bit to keep my attention in place. I also think I need to start supping up bigger words and literary theorists so I can answer basic questions on Aristotle and Plato and Derrida and all those other assholes who are just making me feel like I am really stroked out beyond this. I mean, no seriously, I don’t need to know comparative literature to graduate with a good degree. I really don’t. And maybe it would be better later. All I know is my dad is going to kill me if I don’t do well in any course…and I think even this one might be beyond his genius genes (his kids are little geniuses too).
Ugh~! If only these were most people’s problems, I know. I also know they might not have financial aid for me if they don’t get off their butts and make it happen for me. (the school–I did all I was supposed to–I’m going to have to kick ass tomorrow) 🙁
September 3, 2008 at 4:41 am
I might look at other options only because I might have bit off more than I can chew and I have nobody to talk about these theorists with–
Nonsense, Francis.
I think you should stay in the course.
You ARE intelligent and, with a little hard work, you ARE capable of understanding these philosophers and texts and of doing well. Aristotle, Plato, Derrida, etc. provide an important foundation; basically, they teach you how to think, in the academic sense of the phrase. And that is very important—not for “later on,” but now, right now. It lays a foundation that you need.
You do have people to talk about this with: your classmates and also people like me.
Cool fact: since I am (for now anyway) planning on writing my diss on mimesis, etc. I am going to be studying Plato and Aristotle (who developed the CONCEPT of mimesis) all this year.
Do not give up and do not let yourself be intimidated. Just put in the work and you will succeed.
September 3, 2008 at 11:11 am
I love you Francine. So much.
Thanks for believing in me. I haven’t bailed out–I just got really scared. It did seem interesting–it’s just that the class is so small that I am not sure how well I will be able to hide my inexperience (and no, you didn’t need any nor were there any prerequisites)–I just want to have solid footing. But I will get this.
Now I am watching Guiliani argue that Palin has more experience than Obama and Biden (and not McCain because he has military experience) because she was in the PTA. This election is insane already…
September 3, 2008 at 12:20 pm
In my experience, anything related to philosophy or theory is just a matter of opinion as long as you can support it. I wouldn’t worry about it, I think you can handle it. Besides, english accents may be a good indication of a pompous ass, but by no means dictates intelligence 😉
This whole thing with Palin and her pregnant daughter is just obnoxious, 99% of the media should be shot because the always focus on the wrong issues.
September 3, 2008 at 1:18 pm
Yeah, I agree on both counts. I am afraid of all of this shit though because it is like Japanese to me.
I just find it disgusting how a gun toting population is somehow better than one who supports the right for a woman to choose…they shouldn’t even be related but that whole right to murder thing seems to only matter if it’s a Christian doing it.
That and them using the word liberal like a dirty word—I don’t get it. Conservative or liberal…do whatever you want. Just keep your fucking god out of my face. They keep having these big speeches about how this nation was founded by Christians and will always be run by Christians. This, while preposterous to me, is also very scary. The separation of church and state gets thinner and thinner ever year the longer these tools are allowed to go on.
September 3, 2008 at 2:28 pm
Absolutely, the seperation of church and state(what little is left)was so dramatically reduced when Bush got into office it’s mind boggling. How any non-christian can put any kind of trust into the Bush administration or a potential McCain administration is beyond me. I really can’t stand bible thumpers, they are the biggest hypocrites and tend to be the least compassionate people.
The thought of it all is frightening………..
September 3, 2008 at 2:42 pm
It’s all happening so close to those armageddon prediction times (the 2012-Mayan and Jesuit stuff) that I am seriously horrified and in a mad rush to get the hell out of here and be somewhere truly sustainable. I know it’s probably lame and spooky of me to give it any credence especially with this argument–but I feel like these people are going to be the fuel to the fire rather than the water to put it out.
They all do like to pretend that they should be the moral compasses of the universe but forget there are millions of people, billions of people who have their own beliefs.
September 3, 2008 at 5:02 pm
Ironically it seems that people take those predictions as fact, then work towards making them a reality then say “SEE! I told you so!” rather then working towards a better resolution. No matter how many millions of people that have died in the name of the “Lord” they just never seem to realize that GOD IS DEAD, GET OVER IT! (my opinion).
You just cannot proclaim your actions are in the name of freedom when you are oppressing and alienating so many people in the process. Reminds me of the bumper sticker I saw yesterday, “There is no freedom when there is at least one person being oppressed”.