But I haven’t had any since AZ. Nor any really peaceful restful sleep (last night I had none! I gleefully exclaim like a kid riding her bike with no hands). And no, the excitement is completely faked and falsified for all of your enjoyment. All I want and need to do is go and fall asleep on a floor with a blanket. I’m pissed at the boys for not letting me sleep in a real bed so I will avoid talking to them soon. My back is three steps from not moving. I threw myself on the floor of the Path train today in a kind of mini-tantrum. Then I realized it was because I was pmsing. So I am on the verge of bleeding, homeless, showerless and need someone to take care of me for a day or two since I am apparently very bad at it today. And what will happen is I will yell at the gayman and hopefully find myself drunk in a bar not too late in the evening. So tomorrow when I wake up in whatever fashion, my bones and back might be slippery from the liquory stuff. And although I won’t feel any better, maybe I will stop feeling worse.

E asked me why I didn’t wait until I had myself more set up before doing this. I find this to be a preposterous question given that would mean I would be covertly planning to leave him and have my place all planned out and just walk out the door of my old life into my new life. How insane is that? Maybe I am an idiot. All I know is last night when I called my father and he asked me what I was going to do…well I felt a bit less stable and safe than I should. This ties into that whole argument of trust. Why would I trust someone who actually just hasn’t been there to step in and follow through with something he said? Well, I wouldn’t actually. And I might have to get used to that idea. Which is fine. Because I am a grown woman and I should be taking care of myself and expect nobody else to do anything for me. This is not a pity me please comment but the absolute truth.

All of my employees have seen me sitting here crying because I have nowhere to live and I can’t move because my back is so destroyed. Everyone has been telling me to leave and go home. This is kind of funny and humorless because it means I go nowhere.

And you all know I can go through some serious stuff  and not whine about pain. Heart surgery, dialysis? Give it to me. But when your spine and your bones creak like this. Well.

That pretty much means F you.

(and that means me)