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What time did you get up today? 11 am. It’s what you do when you’re on vacation.
Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
Latest movie in a movie theater? Wall-E
Favorite TV series? Lost
What did you have for breakfast? Cherry Pie from Delicious Orchards
What’s your middle name? Danette
Favorite food? Sushi. Too delicious I tell you.
Which food don’t you like? Too much meat makes me hurl. I’d rather not eat it, but I am cheap.
What’s your favorite CD at the moment? People listen to cd’s still?
What car do you drive? PATH train and the NYC subway. Less expensive than your car to run but worth a few million bucks.
Favorite sandwich? Something I could only easily get in downtown Worcester MA. A veggie thing with provolone and oil and vinegar, toasted.
Which human traits can’t you stand? I can’t stand most humans.
What are your favorite clothes?  the 20’s era collection I have been hoarding for 13 years. send me some please!!!
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?  Europe, with magical money. Prague. Berlin. Paris. Greece. Italy. Spain.
Favorite clothing brand? I can’t afford a favorite brand.
Where would you like to retire? Everywhere, seasonally.
Favorite time of day? sunrise and sunset.
Where were you born? Colorado.
Which is your favorite sport to watch? Anything live.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke, but I grew up on the latter.
Soccer or hockey? Hockey.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl.
Pedicure or manicure? Both, please.
Any exciting news to share? I’m opening a cafe in downtown Jersey City very soon.
What did you want to become as a child? Everything from a fashion designer, to artist, singer, and interior designer. Then I transitioned into wanting to be a writer.
Best childhood memory? Living in Colorado Springs as a kid.
Ever been to Africa? No
Ever rolled anybody in toilet paper? no
Have you ever been in a car accident? I have driven with accident prone people but never ended up in the hospital.
Favorite day of the week? Any day I am not working.
Favorite flower?  lilies, white roses, lilacs
Favorite – Hot dog or Chinese food? Hot dogs are the lips and assholes, so Chinese food, please (thanks for that one, dad!)
Do you own a bike? YEs. It lies limply in my basement. it needs a pump.
Who was your latest e-mail from? my gay husband
Where would you like to shop more if you could afford to? Anthropologie. I have banned myself for walking into any stores or looking at it online, though.
Bed time? tonight, early. tomorrow, fishies!
Latest person to share dinner with? Eddie. We made grilled eggplant, clams, and shrimp kebobs on the back grill.
What are you up to now? Waiting for the sex haze to wear off the youth, then I will wake him up for dog walking.
Favorite color? Red. Always.
How many tattoos? 9 I guess. But they’re kind of large.