I have had so many things to write about lately that I have literally written about none of them.

One, life at home is pretty stellar but I really need more hours in the day or just more energy to complete the things I want to do. My hairdresser did my hair the other day and it should be good to go without a cut and color for the next 5 or 6 months. This is pretty cool since I have a wedding to go to in October (in Colorado!) and will need a nice pretty head of hair then. Otherwise, it’s all good. It is darker than I am used to, but it still has blonde in it so whatever.

My new fixation is a swimming pool. I have found several Intex easy set pools I want. I convinced my landlord a pool is what we all need to relax and float in the heat of summer. They are 3-4 feet deep and 15-18 feet across. Now all I have to do is get incentivized here at work or win a few hundred bucks so I can get one. If I had one, one of my childhood dreams would be realized. I always wanted a pool (couldn’t have one because of the grass), a snoopy snow cone machine, or an easy bake oven. I never got any of these, but figure a pool is still a reasonable and fun. A really fancy one is about $4-$500 (the intex ones) and might be paid for with a pool party or it might pay itself off in lessening bus/train trips away–or just because I won’t be doing anything after work but going home to take a dip. I really am a little water baby and nothing makes me happier than a swim.

Money money money! Since I came home from Costa rica and realized I should not have gone to Costa Rica, I have been more than frugal with the funds. Today was my first withdrawal from the bank since the last day we were in Costa Rica. I obviously have debited for food/groceries and such. In order to support my pool wishes and caviar dreams, I have decided no more margarita nights after work with my boss, no more weekend fun unless it is a party with cheap drinks, and no more money spent on lunch or breakfast (easily $10-$20 a day). I spoke with my hairdresser who is on some gluten wheat white flour free diet and he told me he eats vegetables and fish or chicken every day and has lost weight and has tons more energy. I need that!

I have a busines plan I am working on (Phase 1 of 3). It is currently 15 pages and requires an initial investment (for the total raw goods) of just over 6k, which can reap in an 18k profit (excluding the initial investment). It is a smawty pants idea, but I obviously do not have 6k. E in the interim is working on a 40 page business plan requiring a 10 million dollar investment he has somehow secured with his business partner. Bleh. I have never been that lucky.

Obama is the man. My roommate and I were getting excited and kind of teary-eyed this morning talking about how he really IS gonna win. That is pretty fucking fantastic to see in my lifetime for a number of reasons. YAY!

Work is. Pooooo. I hate knowing I could be doing other things. I think I smell kind of whorish today because I am wearing a MAC perfume. Actually no. I kinda smell good.

I am a bad responder. Sorry Miss Tara. You told me some great fantastic news in email and I don’t think I responded, simply because I am an ass who forgets things. We must catch up soon.

In the meantime. I will just thank the stars it’s Wednesday and half of hell is over this week already.