I got back on Monday afternoon. I was happy to be back but I am more convinced than ever that I need to discover a route and method to telecommute (work from home and make a ton of money). Luckily, I have a good friend who has offered to build me a complete site and is a pretty fantastic developer (building one that made $15 mil in less than a year). I need to suss out a few good business plans to get things moving, but I am thinking there are a million directions I could go in.

I keep having these crazy space dreams where I am using some rocketboosted backpack to shoot off into space and save myself from some impending extinction of mankind. Aside from seeing every kind of possible jungle animal aside from the Jaguar or Puma, I spent a ton of time dreaming. Which means I was sleeping a lot. In fact, I am trying to get to bed by 10 these days which makes me a loser in my own mind, but will be useful in getting my sleepy time in before I head back to school in the fall with all of my lessons learned.

I have decided that my paranoia of Planet X type things will instigate a new change in the way I do some things. Obviously this means I need to start doing some things with some type of urgency as opposed to doing things with no urgency, simply floating by.

By 2012, I want to:

Have my BA
Own my own home(s)
Be running my own business
Have written my first book (I’m working on this now)
Have finished my first screenplay (also in need of some work)
Have an art show
Have visited Greece, Spain/Portugal, Amsterdam, Paris, Prague and Croatia/Italy, Thailand/Vietnam
Have done the cross country trip in a beat up car and a tent in the summer with a friend or two

The odds are against me that I will be married by then. I cannot have children so that doesn’t matter–and really both of those things would essentially hinder the freedom needed. By 2012 I will be 36, too old to get married or adopt anyways. (I have tricky beliefs about these things). It’s like, if you wait almost 20 years of your dating life to get married forever, why bother? It’s much easier because I will keep my own name regardless.

But the list, even with the trips combined into multiple destinations and the projects are definitely possible. I need to post the list on my desk and put it on my fridge so I can check them off as they are completed.

And because I know you all want to see our pictures of sloths and monkeys and snakes and flowers and volcanoes and rafting and all of that fun stuff–I will give you a complete trip recap with illustrations as soon as I can weasel them from my friend.