I have always had these kind of apocalyptic nightmares. i am not sure where they came from, but i have had them since i was a tiny kid. waves crashing, people dying, i watched my friend get roasted over a spit fire barbecue when I was like 9 in my dreams. and I usually can fly away to my own world and save myself. not in a like sci-fi way, but I can lift myself up over the treetops and just float away from the horror. Maybe it’s a pure defense mechanism, I have no idea, but I have always been happy I could do it.
I’ll elaborate more on my serial nightmares later because they are really kind of funny and have no place in this post.
Anyhow. Years later I was walking through the trade center site in July of 2001, thinking to myself, no, there is no way this shit will last. we all know what happened 3 months later. certain buildings down in that area leave me claustrophobic, so I don’t walk down there.
but anyways, I was talking with my roommate about this idea of aliens and what they are and what potential exists for an invasion. I am not some kooky freak of nature who thinks little aliens are kidnapping people throughout their entire lifetimes and experimenting on them. But who really knows. I was telling her the only way that the world will ever truly unify and come together is if we get invaded. And I do kind of freak out that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. I am not so convinced that life will end, but maybe life as we know it?
but then someone said something to me even stranger about this last night talking about this thing called planet X which is hovering at the edge of our solar system and is 8 times the size of earth, a brown dwarf which is somehow supposed to cause something terrible and catastrophic on 12/21/2012. and is somehow responsible for the cosmic shifts and whose magnetism would cause massive solar flares which would fuck us all up.
then I started reading and watching some stuff I found out on YouTube about it. It’s not pleasant shit. In fact, I am now inspired to figure out some stuff on my own to figure out what the hell is going on, or if some cult somehow has gone bonafide bonkers crazy and has been spreading shady rumors about armageddon.
because you know what? I am pissed I wasn’t born 100 years ago if this is what I have to look forward to.
May 19, 2008 at 11:05 pm
Armageddon has been a subject of speculation for thousands of years, I still believe(and feel free to call me naive)that people are inherently good. Many things are products of our imagination(like space travel), but some things are still impossible no matter how much thought we put into them(such as time travel). It all comes back to the same thing, just enjoy the time you’ve got because you don’t know how much it actually is.
May 20, 2008 at 6:08 pm
oh no, this is not like a people are bad and the earth will clean itself kind of thing. it’s a little crazier than that.
if you google it you find CRAZY CRAZies. and then you find some other not so crazy crazies. then you find real people too.
i am going to take up some research on the mayan and sumerian thing just to see what i can find.
May 19, 2008 at 11:08 pm
Oh, I know this is off topic, but how’s your throat doing? I know it’s been a while since the surgery but I was just wondering.
May 20, 2008 at 5:58 pm
the throat is ok. not great but it’s ok. people can hear me and if I haven’t seen them in a while are always surprised to be able to. it’s not club worthy (though I know I need to see a PT) about it so I can bartend again. it sucks but whatever.
thanks for asking!!!
May 20, 2008 at 11:27 pm
Awesome, any step in the right direction is a good step!