9:10 PM me: hiiiiii
Fetalize: Doc!

me: FETUS!

Fetalize: How’s everything?

me: fantastic
I am going to costa rica soon!
my boss and I are going

Fetalize: You’re so lucky.

me: I am very lucky
I am going ziplining through the jungle
9:11 PM and swimming in volcanic pools

9:12 PM Fetalize: Volcanic pools of what?
me: water
9:13 PM but we will be near an active volcano
I am getting some photos for some paintings I am going to show
in the fall
forget it dude the world is ending
its time to get shit done

Fetalize: No kidding

me: yes
I am also getting a movie done this summer
9:14 PM you want to be in it and help

Fetalize: Congratulations on your trip, again.

me: thanks sir fetus
I am so excited

Fetalize: I would be too.

9:15 PM me: yes
hot days and white beaches
that is my kind of life
9:16 PM I have to lose like ten pounds tho, they put a gym in five blocks away with everything I need

Fetalize: That’s my kind of life too.

me: hahaha
we all have to make a trip next year or something
so we have all at least tasted it
which at the end of the day
isn’t that all we try to do with life

9:17 PM Fetalize: I want to go to thialand

me: also economical
my best friend from childhood is there now
9:18 PM teaching english and hanging with tigers
I’m listening to pretty music
9:19 PM Sunny Day Real Estate’s How it Feels to be Something On

9:20 PM Fetalize: Speaking of hanging with tigers

me: yes

9:21 PM Fetalize: http://www.greenexpander.com/2008/04/15/the-tiger-temple/

9:22 PM me: very apocalyptic
you are one crazy fetus
9:23 PM I could pet any animal and have them be good to me
but those are lines people aren’t supposed to cross
we have ruined all of the world after all
9:24 PM I wouldn’t be scared, but it’s just not right. I couldn’t do that unless the animal was sick.

Fetalize: They seemed okay to me

9:25 PM me: okay with having their lives turned into a breakfast cereal?
they used to be free in the way that all humans secretly wish they could
living off the land
9:26 PM but now they are tourist attractions, Kellog’s iconography and worst of all, bad tattoos.
someday we’ll discover bigfoot

Fetalize: Do you think they’re in captivity?

9:27 PM me: and we’ll mess that up to
of course they are. any place with boundaries is in captivity
my whole life is in captivity
which is why I need to leave
if not for ten days
and paying for our own private guide
for the whole trip
9:28 PM hahaha
except that last day
but ziplining, and parsailing for sure