As some of you may or may not know, my best friend Francis has MS, and was diagnosed in July. She is currently undergoing treatment while finishing her PHD at UMASS Dartmouth.

I decided on Thursday that I would walk for her this Sunday, and have already raised $340 towards my $500 goal. Please donate if you can, especially if you know le FrAncis. She is a hysterical and amazing young lady, and easily the smartest girl I know. She is also someone I have looked up to for her resolve at getting her bachelor’s finished, her masters, and now into her PHD in such a short span of time.

The link to donate is here:

On a related note, school is fine, even though I have been on the verge of losing my fucking mind. This full time work part time school thing seems ok until you actually do it. Halfway in to the second semester, I really was over it. It’s not the work or anything, but the time and the energy. And I am one of those ideal individuals for such a venture since my social life primarily rotates around the needs of two particularly cutie pups. So it’s not that kind of time or energy. But I work 5 days a week and do school one night, and have one day off per week I usually spend working on school. It’s just entirely too much. If I could get some help so I didn’t have to work full time, I could take three classes (or even 4!) and graduate before I am 40. Luckily for me every student I have told my real age to seemed shocked, so I can probably keep the young innocent college girl rolling for a few more years.

So I am for sure taking the summer off. I plan on spending more time drinking margaritas and eating ice cream and all the good stuff summer brings. For Fall I will have a new fresh perspective (I hope).

Now I have to figure out how to drop ten pounds so when I go ziplining through the jungle and swimming in volcanic pools I can fit in some freaking shorts. 10 pounds in 6 weeks? Maybe I can do even more…

It’s time to break out the running shoes and give the old ticker an extra push. I had had only..let’s see, one open heart and two aortic replacements and did spinning and that was fine. I think people are sometimes so afraid of dying, they are afraid to live….it reminds of a documentarian I saw speak yesterday and how she was like, if you were the only person who was able to tell a story, wouldn’t you feel compelled to? It was a documentary on Guatemala and the struggle the Mayans have had with the military in the Reagan era. The student she was speaking to said, no, I still wouldn’t do it because I would be too afraid. Interesting when you consider it… but yeah. This girl, who’s on coumadin and eats whatever the hell she wants (but consistently) and a bit curvy for shorts will be seen running in a neighborhood near you with a little pitbull in tow. Well, maybe not a neighborhood near you, but a pretty cute cute one.