Meme stolen from tallgirlkel
Part 1: The Beginning

Were you a planned baby?

I’d say no since I was given away shortly after I was born.

Who was present at your birth?
My mother (only because she had no choice) and I would assume some nurses and/or doctors.

Were your parents married when you were born?
My birth ‘parents’ were never married. My real parents were and still are.

What is your birth date?
October 21, 1976

Part 2: The Family

How would you describe your family?
A team I am on because they had to let me. We talk once every other month or so. I am the black sheep. After I met my birth parents I became jealous of their closeness with their own kids, but it’s too late for any of that.

Are your parents married?

Siblings or an only child?
One older brother, one younger sister from the family I grew up with, and 5 others I have just been getting to know by blood.

Which parent do you get along with best?
My dad. He’s a  big dork and much easier on me.

What do you fight about?
My mother’s kind of a jerk and very stubborn. She talks too much smack about me and what I am doing. For a while it was that I would never be anyone, now it’s that my education is too expensive.

Part 3: The Friends

Do you have more than one best friend?

Who are your best friends?
Francine, and Eddie.

Do you share the same interests?
For the most part, but we are very different as well.

Which friend can you tell anything to?
They both know things about me nobody else on this planet knows.

Part 4: Your Personality

How high/low is your self esteem?
Pretty high but I’m realistic.

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Without voice, introvert, with voice, back to extrovert.

Are you happy?
Yes.–things are finally coming together.

Do you live life to the fullest?
Always. It’s not hard

Part 5: Appearance

Are you comfortable with the way you look?
Yes, but I am a little larger than I should be by 20 pounds. If I lose that I can fit back into my 4’s and 6’s.

Do you have any piercings besides your ears?
Not anymore but that’s with 8 retired.

Describe your hair:
Chin length bob which is brown and blonde with bangs across my brow.

What make-up do you wear?
Whatever I feel like. But always tinted moisturizer and a tiny bit of blush and sometimes tinted lips. I am a paranoid girl when it comes to aging and I have beat the odds. Not one wrinkle anywhere at 31.

How do you dress?
Jeans and knit shirts and MBT sneakers. That will change once Spring/Summer hits. They I turn uber cute.

Part 6: The Past

Were you a strange child?
I was ugly and looked like a boy and liked playing with them better than girls. And I read a lot.

What did you used to love that you no longer do?
spin around in circles until I was so dizzy that I fell. And I did make a minor career out of lying as a kid. I don’t do that anymore, even at my peril.

Do you have the same friends?
They aren’t close anymore, but that’s because a bunch are knocked up.

Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing?
Being adopted sucks. Surgeries suck, but you get over them. There was more damage to me done with the former than the latter.

Part 7: The Future

What is your ambition?
To be happy and finally figure out what it is I am supposed to be doing in life.

Are you scared of growing old?
Nope. And I’m not scared of dying anymore either.

Part 8: The Outdoors

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?

Do you like walking in the rain?
Yes and I refuse umbrellas.

Part 9: Food

Are you a vegetarian?
sometimes, it depends on the year.

What is your favorite fruit?
peaches and pineapples

What food makes you want to gag?
head cheese, and gristle.

What is your favorite dessert?
peach pie, blueberry pie, apple pie

What is your favorite restaurant?
dumont in williamsburg but now we have to find something in the city or in jc

Are you a fussy eater?
no, and I get mortified and embarrassed by those who are when I am in a restaurant with them.

Part 10: Relationships and Love

Are you single or taken?

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Lust at first sight, but I am a little more bitter than most.

Part 11: Experiences

What was one of your greatest experiences?
Finishing with my last surgery and having a voice.

What was one of your worst?
surgery sucks, but I have developed a new approach for the hospital. I like it. and I am no longer afraid, nothing bad has happened to me there.

Have you ever done drugs?
Yes, and I’ve inhaled!

Have you ever thought you were going to die?
Yes, but sometimes it was due to the question above. Logistically with every surgery but I don’t look at things like that.

Have you ever suffered from depression?
Yes, I was an ugly teenager with bad self esteem who thought it would never end. Then I had surgery and learned that depression for me was a form of laziness. Now I feel better and am doing things.