Thank you to everyone who made it out to my party last night. Of the people I expected, we only had 7 not show…but it happens. That’s 7 yeses that turned into no-shows…but I won’t take it personally. So it was 10 for 17. Oops.

Then again, if those 7 showed, then we would have had a seating problem, which we did not have.

Special thanks to Ms Tara for the awesome ganesh, cake (so delicious) and champagne (nobody stayed late enough to drink it). You also were the most entertaining and everyone thought you were the most fun–so you are required to come to any party we have in the future! And of course the showers, since you are have the class enough to follow through with your promises. 😉

Unfortunately the lot of you ran out before 11…something about being allergic to the train wait, but there is such a thing as a schedule that is posted online. But that’s okay. I forgive all of you in your elderly disdain.

hahah. But it’s Sunday and we both slept in and it was so nice and comfortable. And now that our space is actually set up, I can do whatever the hell I want today…which basically amounts to me catching up on school readings.

My assignments for school so far are amazing….I predict A’s all around…

Happy FunDay to all!
