I promised my friend at work I would go to see the movie Cloverfield tonight at midnight. This should be an interesting feat given I won’t be home until after 2 only to roll out of bed at 7:oooo ummm, actually yeah, it will be like 7:45.

The trick is you wear as much of the clothing you plan on wearing the next day to bed. Though I have been known to pass out with my boots on, this cannot happen tonight (mostly because I am wearing snow boots which I will wear tomorrow). So I will wear everything else, jeans, longjohns shirt, everything. I have been getting up later and later. I always try to leave the house by 8:20…but I am a low maintenance kind of lady.

I’ll do this and then I’ll roll out I can take the crazy stilting dogs out and go to work. And when I get home, I will be super-duper tired. Yes.

REdBALLS here I come (yes I drink the bull of red, but I usually only down my medicine with it).

So yeah, the best thing about CLoverfield is that the producer of Lost produced this I think. And we all know how fond I am of Lost.

Wish me wide-eyed and not bored…though the quasi-apocalyptic 9/11 feel should keep me awake…um, not necessarily but I will try.