In the Spring of 2005, I gave up one of the shittiest (yet incredibly cheap as it was free for a number of years) apartments in downtown Jersey City. In that time period I made a bunch of friends, started a bar where I managed and booked the first bands in downtown Jersey City, that at one point was voted the best rock club in New Jersey, and worked my way through a number of bar jobs there. I had always had a hankering for Brooklyn, since it was the only place where the guys I had dated wanted to travel to, and lived. So I moved. I always missed the connections I felt in Jersey, since it actually felt like a neighborhood and not an image like Brooklyn always has felt. I was excited to be here because I had friends I would see, and other friends that seemed to move closer, and it just seemed right.

But as I have been here now two years….I just don’t feel any camaraderie for Brooklyn anymore. I don’t see my friends. I don’t even really have any to count on that aren’t very far away…and I dread running into certain people because the awkwardness is foreboding. And when Eddie said he would consider moving to Jersey City, I just about fell off the bed. Granted some of his friends living there, including the drummer of local H, made it a bit more cool. But he has never lived anywhere but New York City and Williamsburg. He’s kind of a city snob and for him to give in and realize that the trains in Brooklyn aren’t getting any less congested, and to have three options to cross the river…well, I really thought something came over him. The only thing I had to do was find the place. So I hunted and searched…it HAD to be downtown Jersey City since everywhere else was too sketchy…and downtown has a really nice, kitschy feel that has expanded almost everywhere downtown reaches. The first place I knew would hit his standards…he has pretty high ones when it comes to living places..he wants new new new, and throw anything stainless in the kitchen and he’s about sold…and that is exactly what I found. A three bedroom which was $100 more than the brand new one bedroom we were waiting to be built in Williamsburg…with all new cherrywood floors, large bedrooms (the smallest is like 9X11-massive for NY areas), brand new kitchen with a shiny stainless refrigerator and brand new bathroom, and windows windows windows. The place we are living in now has 4, 2 of which we see since our roommate has the other two in her room..and the new place has 11 or 12, on every side but one…and the apartment is the entire second floor of the building.  And yes, a bigger separate kitchen, a big living room… and, on top of all of this is a very big backyard for the wuppies to run in and barbecues to be held…all a mere 2 blocks from my hairdresser. He and I decided on the spot to take it and he went back the next morning put down the money and signed the lease. This happened last week, so we are gone as of February 1st.

I look forward to…

bright city lit boat rides home from the city
buffalo chicken pizza (this place makes it sick, I am telling you)
affordable groceries (that A&P thing we imported once a month from E’d parents house on the Jersey shore is now a few blocks away)
korean produce markets (the best produce aside from A&P)
delicious restaurants
did I mention affordable restaurants
oh yes, and even more affordable night life activities, and my friend’s DJ nights and gallery nights
access to suburban amenities like Target (important on a student budget)
I also (I admit I am lame) have a thing for the mall over there
and Bertuccis and Chilis

I think the key to living over there is living in a nice apartment. My scummy, mostly free apartment could turn anyone against living there…but after being there the other day…I am seriously excited. That and the prospect of having a car one day…shit.

And the best part? I can renew my license much easier than I could in NY (those cars I had have some tickets on my record I think).

Of course you are all invited to my housewarming party in February….

And Brooklyn, and all you tight jeans wearing impotent kids ramming into me anytime I am on the train before 11 am? F’ all y’all.

Dirty Jersey here I come….