What can happen in such a short, I mean long span of time is somewhat ambiguous, and difficult to speak about.

Hmmm…so I spent New Year’s in Colorado with my birth mother, and E, as well as my brother, sister and her fiance. Snowshoeing, ice skating, not starving, and relaxing, and did I mention we ate our faces off?

We spent the majority of our time perched over the mountain side with pickle gulch ’round the corner and Black Hawk down below. I think I was more upset than E to leave, but he has commenced smoking again so he’s a big pain the butt regardless. I need my ranch and horses sometime within the next 15 years. It just needs to happen.

Two days before we ran to Denver I spent some time with my birth father’s children, a set of 17 year old twins. I set them up in a hotel with my slick W discount and hung out with them for a bit. Saw this great movie, Juno. I think I saw another good movie but I can’t remember it exactly right now.

I think I might be elongating my stay at the educational institution a bit. This would mean I would be doing what I love at 40, which is totally fine since I would hate to wake up at 40 hating my life in the ways I do now. Yeah, it involves some medical inspired endeavors, but I believe that not going into Art 13 years ago when I graduated probably could be treated as a sign. I just need to find some benefactors to my educational endeavors and get my freaking voice back–my voice is still slightly off from the stroke and/or laryngial nerve manipulation from my last open heart surgery. I need to get it done and fixed pronto so it’s off for more electroshock therapy next week.

I have been probably un-missed on this shit for a while. Oopsies.  I really wish my journal stalkers would peak their heads up and say hello once in a blue moon. At least then I would know it mattered.

Spit spit, kiss kiss, and all that.

Your friend, deanna.