I am coming home tonight high off of the magic of getting to know a few people I didn’t know really at all a little better.

I did a few strange things. I participated in an event for school, a Christmas party, and I did have fun. I ended up talking film and MS with a few new people in my life, and I realized it is nice to have connections, that maybe I don’t have to try and figure out how to survive without knowing anyone at school.

I spent the majority of the evening shooting the shit with a girl who cured herself of MS (who at one point had a dragging leg and paralyzed face) and another girl recovering from breast cancer who just got a divorce. And the final lady was the one who brought us all together, the one I am easy to claim as my favorite girl at school. I have spent so much of my life being attracted to male friendship and discourse, and to now have three girls makes me very very happy.

But there was one young man, someone who is suffering from an problem with his veins in his head, that I spent a bit of time with this evening. He remains my only, and of course my favorite, male friend at school.

I don’t think I could have appreciated all of these amazing stories people have about their lives then as much as I can now. It makes me feel so lucky to have all of these magical people at my fingertips, who can all be there with just a few pressed buttons on the phone. Seriously, this program and the people I have met (with the exception of one “tool” from new bedford) have all impressed me for one reason or another.

I thank the stars as much as I can muster to have given me the opportunities to meet these kitties. I am truly blessed indeed.

And as a smart young man said to me tonight in response to my “why not NYU film school”….it’s nice to experience the cerebral academic film experience than the fluff of pure production.

I thank all of you who respond to my posts, though I am often short of time to respond every time.

Your gifts to me this Kissmas time should be a few suggested adds for some journal fun-bunnies.I find myself too shy to randomly add people, but I know you have some good ones who might not mind another pal.

Go Sunday!!!!