I despise when this template just purges what I just wrote out, never to be repeated again.

I suppose I can just make this short and sweet since my poetics are lost in cyberland now.

1) I spent Thanskgiving alone until 6 pm, when I picked le Francis up and we went to my home.
2) We ate at a mexican restaurant, which was delicious, bucking tradition, but not.
3) My Island of Misfit Toys holiday gatherings are officially dead until I get new friends.
4) I still am not over the fact that nobody ever asked me what I was doing (in my former circle of friends anyhow), or invited us anywhere.
5) Actually you know its sad when someone you’ve never physically met (a photographer who wants to shoot me) asks you if you have
Thanksgiving plans and invites you over to a similar tradition at his house with his friends and fiance.
6) I refuse to believe that having a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever turns you into an unresponsive asshole automatically.
7) Francis is the only one I can count on, ever. And it’s better to have one friend in a basket of frenemies than a bunch of friend fakesters who take take take and never give a fucking cent.
8) No, I’m not mad.

And if for some random reason any of you slicky sticks ends up reading this, don’t bother making the phone call you would have forgotten to make anyways.

PS***HAPPY WEEKEND TO EVERYONE!!!! I am a retail snail so I am stuck here at work.