Today was my first day doing my prose and newly deemed “short fiction” seminar, a kind of introduction to the style if you will. The lack of rules makes me happy since we can all see that I am not so into all of those. I prefer to do my own thing, and although I am not always perfect with my spelling, it’s the only thing I really care to try and be perfect about.

It’s more interesting to me to do things differently, anyways. Not with difficulty, but something a bit more challenging is always better than sticking to the same uptight rules.

I have never been so good with rules. Rules of living, time constraints (in terms of doing things in life at certain times), when to speak (not unless spoken to, and no talking-back!), and what order my life is supposed to follow.

It is finally chilly, though I am still angry I didn’t get to do any swimming before the ocean air turned cold. Next time, I guess. I want to figure out somewhere to go the first few days of November since I get election day off–I know it makes me nothing short of a bad girl not to vote on election day, but it’s one of the few elections I won’t get riled and emotional about.

So next Sunday is my birthday. Uh huh. My freaking birthday again. I have been fake shopping at because it has replaced Arden B as my new favorite store. Arden B got all hoochie and lost its gypsy girl appeal, which is the one thing I like about the clothes I always fake shop for. Though I will take the time to possibly purchase one sweater for my birthday, I found 7 alone in the most recent catalog that I would love to possess officially. I think I might be a freak for all of the fake shopping I do when I am bored. I just think that I need to start appearing more dignified. Does anyone else do this fake shopping? It’s called put it in your cart, look at the total, say, uh, no, and then close the window. I am obsessed with their sweaters and their little dresses, but sweaters make more sense.

I am still waiting to get those photos from the wedding. I am really going to be so angry not to get them. Every time Eddie and I are supposed to get the pictures from whatever event, someone holds out on us…Let that be a lesson not to trust other people photograph you and your boyfriend, I guess.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and I have to work and write a paper…but choice B takes precedence over A of course.

I am so happy to have a chance to live life again. For my entire life I have been waiting for something to happen, but life is finally coming up roses at every turn for me. I apply to school and get in, I got to go outside of the country for the first time ever (granted it was only the DR, but still is off the continent), I met and have been accepted by both sides of my blood family(!), and I am unconvinced that the prizes are ending any time soon. (this is when I start wishing and playing the lottery every week)

And, one week from Sunday, I will be thirty one-derful, as CK likes to tell me! Last year was a milestone simply because none of it was ever supposed to happen (thirty was unimaginable for so long), but this year and all the years after will be like loading on cherries for every year (that I am in the condition to be happily alive anyhow).

Kiss Kiss. Tsk tsk.bla bla bla bla bla.