I am doing an essay on Monster Culture…which was decidedly the most difficult of the three I had to choose from, not only from the class perspective but admittedly the opinion of the professor as well. That’s ok–it was the only article in the series of articles that had any resonance with me whatsoever. I have to write a paper and incorporate the ideas that it promotes, examining them further. It is therefore called the “Lens essay”. I had some ideas which might have been a little less than comfortable to talk about in class, but that might be the point. I have been stretching beyond the borders of my own comfort levels which is exactly why I am at Columbia at all.

My student aid is still not in, something which annoys the %$&#!!!! out of me since I turned everything in on the day that I received it. I want to buy a snazzy computer with it, a sleek little macbook which will be my sexy new friend. Who needs friends when you have your macbook? Not I! No, but actually the video chat and the most delicious graphics grabbed me and pulled me head on into making it my new purchase. I have never paid for anything with that amount of money, but that’s the way to cookie must crumble for now. Plus, I need good graphics and programs for my own little projects…from the film and screenplay stuff to my website building which I would finally have it all for.

My head is itchy. My scalp, rather. It’s a far cry from the grease generator of the summertime…but I heard that summer wasn’t over yet…not yet.

I am going to be three decades plus one soon. And look at my little ass rock. Though my ass is certainly not as little as it once was, I am still a fucking ROCKSTAR.

Love ya, love me, love the wo-wo’s, love FrAnCine and all of my friends.

Bye tootsie-ta-tas.