I did eat one last night, the one ice cream treat I allotted myself over the weekend aside from the lone corona I ingested last night, a toast of my own celebration.

I have a huge craving for chocolate and ice cream and all things that might inflate my already visually morphed butt right now.

I want sweets dammit. But I am allowed only Twizzlers, not just for their high fructose corn syrup makeup, but for their satisfying brief sweet tooth experienced in lonely moments at home.

I love my dogs. I love my love. I love my buddies. I feel like Queen of the world! I exclaim this often like a stunted child…a similar exclamation was shouted by Leo in the film Leolo…His mother would call for him, “Leo, Leo!”. And he would respond, “Leolo…Leolo Lazone!” for his belief that he was born from the tomato which was jerked off on by the italian fruit peddler, which subsequently got jammed up his mothers crotch after an accident involving a tomato cart. I exclaim it with the same enthusiasm, with the same hand gestures stretching up to the sky with the same childlike enthusiasm. I even have E exclaiming it, but his is “I am king of the world!”

Tomorrow is Monday. I am not happy half the summer is over, but I am happy to have had so many consecutive days of sun.

I have felt like I need to stay away from distractions like the tv and bullshit I tend to get distracted by on a daily business. If you had only 5 websites you could visit, what would they be? I am over tv except for movies and when I have the time for my on demand HBO…

I just watched A Scanner Darkly…which I would highly encourage anyone to watch. If anyone has any commentary on it, feel free to discuss it here..I would love to.