I watched a news special the other day about soldiers losing their ability to get disability after being discharged from the service for this blanket thing they called “Personality Disorder”, which in most cases is Post traumatic Stress Disorder. Basically, if you see enough body parts flying in your line of vision for a bit, and people see it affecting you, they effectively return you.

If you are unlucky and stupid enough to sign on the dotted line, you have to repay your signing bonus, which could result in you having to pay backĀ  up to $11,000 for doing a job that you got hurt doing.

This has affected roughly 22,475 veterans. Bet they are thinkin twice about why the hell they even joined or cared in the first place.

The saddest stories are the ones where the boys actually kill themselves when they get home because their efforts were so appreciated.

This administration is the BEST EVAH!