I am so tired of seeing so much negativity in all realms of politics. Everyone knows that I keep up with current events and have plenty of theories and things to say about where it all went wrong.

But I am getting very tired of reading up on what people in both camps are saying and doing, and nobody says anything which gives anyone any true semblence of hope. Yes, what Bush did has exacerbated and created “Al Queda in Iraq”. That did not exist without him, and he has earned that trophy I am sure he will keep close in his hope chest forever. Yes, the muslim mentality and religion was not set up to adopt new ways or change with the times. Then we should allow muslim countries to do what they need to keep their people as ignorant and in the dark as possible, instead of poking the stick at them like they were a nest full of buzzing wasps. It is a religion freely practiced here, and that is what this country was founded on, diversity. So why do we have our grimy fingers still poking at the nest?

It’s beyond and past the economic boost that war has on the economy. Yes, Bush and Cheney’s friends made lots of money on the war, and their friendships very much benefited security companies and new construction as well as the refinery assistance we so graciously offered.

At this point, what’s done is done. No lives will be remade with those wishes. It is true that Bush has done absolutely nothing to positively affect domestic policy. He has created no public programs, his no child left behind act was a complete crock. He has supposedly protected us from the terra-rists he riled up. But I live in the first target zone and watched 9-11 go down. And I don’t feel more safe. I felt safe for a week after 9/11. But now, my faith is gone, and as many of us realize on a daily basis–we could be nuked any time of any day. And nobody could stop it.

But please, someone please. Someone please give us some hope. Someone get a plan already. And don’t have everything you say be wrapped up in “homeland security”, or international policy. We criticize people for not having any international experience, yet we ignore what the international community says anyways.

The president was supposed to represent the people. The people underneath the president were supposed to be representative of the community. When has anyone felt like this?

I liked Obama because he was a human being who seemed to be sensitive to that. I don’t give a shit what he knows specifically about international policy. You elect someone who will represent the people–not the most gung ho, right to arms fool who wants to drop the bomb first. You want someone capable of being  a diplomat. I am pretty sure that the “miserable failure” did not have impressive diplomacy skills on his resume before this all happened. That’s why he hired a bunch of tools to do it for him.

In any case. that was deanna’s political rant for the month

thank you, and good night.