I found this cd, Citizen Cope, the Clarence Greenwood Recordings from a rolling stone article about artists to watch for a few years back. I listened to the cd so much that I ended up scratching it somehow, and didn’t get to replace it until last night, when I got it and his newer one. I haven’t listened to the new one because the old one is sooo good that I literally am dancing in my chair. It’s like summertime, perpetual sundowns and dawns alike, with a big porch swings and jack daniels and lemonade.

It is just that sexy. I am not joking. I am one of those people who does like to multi task and write while listening to music, because it seems to egg on the mood, the soundtrack if you will, of whatever I am trying to convey at any given time.

So I am about to start writing my essay about why going back to school to get an education is now important to me, and I hooked this cd up. It does remind of crisp fall, taking the light rail to M lounge, where I would pour the mad drinks to the old men and various other folk who would come in, working the fryalotor (or however you spell it) making buffalo wings and cheese steaks (I make a mean cheese steak, kids) and hanging out. That bar had a certain old man smell that maybe I could only appreciate. But it was a good job, made some cash, low stress. Until they let me go right before Christmas a few years back…not enough money for the owners to get their kids presents, so they decided to ruin mine instead.

Anyways, I wanted to re-clarify to people, especially to my friends w/ Marfan’s, that I am never ever offended by the words of others. Opinions and advice to me are never harsh unless they were written with ill intent. And I have never felt that that was the case, even for a moment, so please don’t censor yourselves–

That was my way of answering to recent posts because I don’t have the energy to revisit and answer people specifically.

But this brings me to the topic at hand.

My birthday is next Saturday, rocktober 21, and I am going to be 30. An age I never thought I would make it to, and many people in the medical field also thought it a questionable reality.

So I want cards people. Or a small letter. Or something cool that you think I might enjoy. I know we are all lazy people who don’t like going to the post office. But I am a nice girl and you will get a thank you note in gratitude, so just think of it as a way to bank on having a day when the mail comes and there is not only a bill inside. Those days are rare, which is why I have a million magazine subscriptions.

And yeah, I do plan on having some gathering of sorts on Saturday, so I will be e-viting local kids to hold the time frame even though I don’t know where I might be having this thing. But mail is still good…

Pretty pretty please?

Psssst. Leolo is my favorite movie ever and I couldn’t find it on dvd for years….