Oh my. Today I went to work and spoke with someone who will be my boss. Raised in the same state even. She seems really cool…we seem to have a lot of stuff in common.

I got my how to sewing tricks, whose series starts at this and goes along 5 total books, the top being how to sew couture. Designers sewing tricks etc.

When I was a kid, I used to be obsessed with those things to make and do books. I did everything: constructed dolls, made shoebox guitars, and lots of strange ornamental shit we usually gave to my mother.

Now I have these things to make and do books, all sewing starts. The machine is repaired and in fine working order. I am about to go get some dress marking pens and other things to just modify clothing that needs these alterations anyhow. A pair of old man pants. A few forties dresses I got from that hundred and something year old Worcester socialite.

A few t shirts would be good as well. I am pretty good at sex-ifying huge men’s t-shirts. Just some snips and darts and that’s all you need.

I am going to make my friend Max drive to the sewing place to get these things. Then I can things to make and do all night.

A good combination of math, visual aesthetics and a good creative energy. This might be just perfect for me. I always wanted to have my own line of things, called “(my name here)”. Sort of like a punk rock martha stewart…but a lot more bohemian than metal.

Like ABC Carpet meets tibetan/india heaven/stretchy sleek fabrics or patterns..

Or like my other secret fashion plan.

I wonder if this only happens when I’m light…the random not required spaces in between.