And oh, what have we done?

I am finding it hard to be inspired being so bed-ridden…I am bedridden more to boredom than being unable to physically move.

I was teary-eyed when Babs left this morning. I felt like I was taken care of unconditionally: wholly and completely with no exchange needed.

I need visitors, please! E’s business trip will likely keep him through to Sunday which is pretty depressing considering there isn’t much to get excited about until then.

Good thing my mom got me stuff to keep me through to this weekend while she was here.

Life is a slow moving thing when you don’t live or get out too much. My left vocal chord is fluttering a bit and the surgeon promised it would definitely come back. He makes good on all of his promises so I have no choice but to believe him. It causes annoying coughs and really faint whispery voice calls. If I had to scream I would be in trouble, but inside it’s unlikely.