i have been heading towards having a mini: are you too old deanna thing going on, but the clock ticking really is just motivating me to do as much as humanly possible while I can still get away with being partially irresponsible.

which involves actually going to agencies and seeing if I am remotely bookable in commercial land. and actually following through on two mini music projects. one is a pre-formed band where the music is composed by this russian dude who just likes writing it, but has no interest in performing it. he has this whole chick band thing he seems to get off on, which is cool enough, but not as cool as me doing my own shit.

my own stuff is much more exciting and I have written my share of songs, but the whole composition part is where I lack mad skills. which is where my bass player and guitar player come in. we just need a drummer and life would be kind. and i could check off that box that says must play live one time before you die on my things to do list.

today was a classic sunday, rolling out of bed at 1. doing my own thing for most of the day, cleaning, tag teaming football and now baseball and movies in between. i found myself watching some old classic black and white films on tv this morning filmed in the thirties and fifties. and it’s funny when you think about that time period being one of high moral modeling and conditioning. tv didn’t leave the viewer to make his or her own interpretations of what moral of the story was important. it was very obvious often overemphasized with seemingly uncomfortable statements like “well i guess you wouldn’t make me go with him, mom, unless you really loved him”. it’s just an interesting parallel given that religion and government were not really that imperative in expressionism during that time period. and now, in modern day America, everyone wants to step up to the Jesus plate when trying to validate their own existences. i gave my boy this book called “who wrote the bible” that i will need to re-read to understand the discrepancies in modern day belief systems that state point of origin for all of that mythology.

tomorrow is monday, and life is slicky…gotta do a few things right now. be well.