It’s funny how time seems to fly by the older you get. when you’re young dumb and full of…well, whatever, you tend to want to reach those milestones at lightning speed. skip over all the in betweens and just get there already. of course it’s not so much about the destination as much as it is the journey and my journey has been tattered flowered burned to bits and rebuilt again.

i do messed up things, think crazy things sometimes. it sounds like nothing but an excuse but my hormones are all crazy and whack as a result of now being fully immersed in an office of girls. all estrogen all of the time, with the only real boy interaction being from my gay male manager. so i am now on their cycles, but you have to tell my hormones and uterus this, since they seem to have developed a mind of their own, getting confused as to when its actually time to purge, torturing me for the 12 days in between my old cycle and the new.

regardless, it is so amazing how much you see and how much is there when you actually look at it all sans distractions. of course the statement has more meaning, or less, depending on your view of urbana and its city striped ways. but i realize. with all of these ipod fools and people listening to music on various tuning out devices, and those who read all over creation, what do you see? do you see anything? do you just have an ever-running soundtrack to emphasize the movement of your day? does it actually mean anything? because i really think if people started looking, started thinking. especially here where there is so much to see, yet, so little opportunity we afford ourselves to look. that maybe there would be some small spark of realization. a human connection not intersected by devices, machines, tools, and distractions.

this is why my fascination with the twenties is still rampant. i suppose there is something to be said for probably the last time period where socializing was actually socializing, and the parties and the activities were not only not fed and bred by bullshit, but just about partying it up. enjoying your time. because it was the backlash for women of all previous roles, and laden with new rights to come and some that were born then. it was not about religion, or so called “family” values. it seemed more like a celebration of individuality and youth, or wisdom, be it as it may. of course these are the highlighted generic impressions of the twenties. for people who of course sometimes had more than most, and some who had less. but pre-computers pre-ipods pre removal of the person from the interaction and placed directly in front of the contraption. ie, computer. before we had that wall in between us and the outside world and simple interactions, conversations. revolutions were had and done and made.

if you think about it, it actually makes no fucking sense at all that with so much information at our literal fingertips. and communication and so-called organization so much easier done because of the ability to find people of the same ideals. that there are no revolutions, that there is no movement. that distraction and consumerism have taken the place of any type of culture, of any type of ideal. there is no guilt in this society full of junk to distract you. there is no place for upheaval when life is as simple or as complicated as your possessions that possess you allow you to be.

so go you ipod distracted computer castrated public. i suppose a virtual revolution is something you can pretend is actually doing something. but it’s just about you until the next big thing, the next badass writer, the next insane smartphone-video-streaming-recording-device-that-implants-thoughts-and-ideas-and-learning-directly-into-your-head-so-you-never-have-to-ever-think-again.

go you guys. you just rule…riiiigght.