So I will say nothing more about my friend Georgie the Ineffective today. Except that I have no idea how it is that they say 48% of people polled approve of his handling of the hurricane relief. Who tare they? These 48%? Are you fkidding me? Did they poll theĀ  rich politicians in the white house? I do not believe anyone aside from his idiot wife actually think he is effective. And even then you would have to question with what and in what manner is he effective. Aside from looking like a huge doofus.

It kills me that the week I decide is my last week of bartending I have made $400 with 12 hours of work. I have another 10 left and should make a hundred or so more. This job I took is significantly less but the exchange for not having to pay for benefits at a slick rate of $326.80 per month as of December should make it all better. Next week is redbull work, 14 hours for $700 and maybe some tips. Though, It’s easy to get tipped when you give people free stuff, which is pretty much it. It’s nice to not have to struggle and starve and do without like I did for much of this past year. And I am mildly petrified that money isn’t going to mean anything at the end of the day, or days, be it as it may. I wanted to get a ton of seeds and potting soil just in case everything fell…being able to grow your own food and all. Then a Vespa seemed like a great investment because a car would be almost useless in a mass evacuation. I would need a mini sidecar so Asa could sit with aviator sunglasses and her helmet on.

This reminds me. You know how people always say owners look like their dogs? It’s actually really strange but I have noticed that so much lately. This chick and I were talking about it the other day, she, svelte and pretty, had a thin black haired little pointer black lab mix. And he was cute and pretty and reminded me of her. Even if its just movement. Insane and mean dogs are usually owned by insane angry people. Because I am calm and sane, I have a dog that EVERYONE loves and loves everyone back. For example, it’s usually curly haired kids that go for poodles. And in my neighborhood the bulldogs and stouter dogs are usually with the same kinds of people. It’s strange, our psychology. I remember when I picked my dog out it was a matter of taking her home because someone dumped her out on the street. And my friend said she cried all night sleeping in his record store. So I volunteered to take her for one night. And of course, she never left. But she kind of does look like me. And she acts like me except I am verbal when I dislike people. She, who likes everyone, just ignores them. But we have the same hair color, strange. I’m not as cute and cuddly as her of course, but…I have my good moments.

This reminds me, I found my camera cable so later on will be a super photo update. For friends only of course. Perhaps I will stick a cute picture of the wuppy up…but unless I care to know you it’s all about my friends.