regardless…this fighting of ours. we need to unite as a people, or die trying. i have not felt such rage and anger for this government and all this country supposedly represents probably ever before. I know you laugh, thinking I am all about trashing it all, getting caught in my conspiracy theories. but this place, this evil empire that rules us, needs to be overthrown.

think about mr arabian horse trainer, a good friend of bush’s 2000 campaign manager. oh, he wasn’t ready for the job? oh, you betcha he wasn’t, getting a nice fun job, I mean job, because of his ties to those in high places.

what about being poor and black in the south? oh yeah, we forgot about you guys years before…what do you mean you want to stay? what do you mean you have nowhere to go? what do we mean when we pretend people have options that only the privileged have?

forget this place. forget him. make him pay. he is a murderer and a thief who represents corporate interests and not the people who voted him in…yeah yeah he is just a puppet of the corporations, but I don’t recall voting the corporations in. In fact, I didn’t see it as a choice on the ballot, on second thought. Eliminate taxes on corporate dividends so the rich get richer and can afford the accountants that write off most of their liability anyways. All while you, the lesser god, pays your 20 to 30%. Yeah, let’s do that…let’s let them write everything off since they were privileged enough to get the fucking education to know who to pay to do it for them. Yeah, let’s let the cap on social security benefit liability continue on…because rich people really need that social security. because having to pay less than your share for all of your hard work most likely ripping off those less fortunate than you makes you more worthy. Great, great plan.

oh what? there was a hurricane named katrina which was set on a path to destroy new orleans? the levys will hold ‘er back, don’t you worry, the engineers told us it wouldn’t hold but what did they know? shit costs money to fix…didn’t you know we don’t like spending money on regular old americans? didn’t you know it’s all about providing my buddy cheney’s former company, that halliburton company with most of the contracts in iraq and the contracts to repair the three destroyed naval bases in mississippi? what do you mean regular people probably just want to work so they have something else to focus on? my buddy cheney, yeah, he gets it done. and his pals, those good ‘ol boys, they sure are getting rich from all of this disaster.

national guard. where was the national guard to protect its own nation? oh wait, I forgot, the oil. ohhh…you’re right the oil. we have so many enemies in the middle east we need to forcefully take control of the country, er oil. yeah, that’ll solve our problems? other energy sources? what are you talking about? what on earth are you talking about? that’s not what texas is about. texas is about me and my buddies and oil? grant money to fund this research? are you kidding me? I spent $192 billion blowing that shit up so we didn’t have to have a solution! prevention? prevent what? the economy can not fucking afford not polluting up the atmosphere. the sheer economic cost of conservation is the antithesis of good business.

war on terror? did you read my lips? war on terror. what do you mean this is about stealing oil and identity? them iraqis told me they liked mcdonalds, been waiting their whole lives for those golden arches. send ’em some christian missonaries and put the fear of a big mean white god in ’em. yeah, that should serve em well. so what iraq and al queda never joined hands and intentions before we decided to blow iraq up? so what? they hate american freedom, they sure do. so what they want to kill us, we will prevail…because we are the biggest baddest country…uh huh. my daddy told me so…

china? them chinese ain’t got shit on us. yeah, I mean. yeah they got walmart, yeah they’ve killed textile and plastic good production. sure. they won’t outrun us…they just can’t…cuz we so damn smart we kill our own people because we are too caught up to even notice? kilt? I didn’t kill them…but I knew someone who was with someone who used to live in new orleans. yeah, they got out. yeah. i’m fine, you know. totally fine.

hey, you see this big beautiful explorer? doris and i saved everythin to buy it…our very own special S U V. gary’s ain’t quite so big as mine….damn man, all our dreams, they is certainly comin true.

they certainly is.

but mine are big all encompassing black hole nightmares.

and this is where we are. in the midst of the storm