So while I have no problem with people being over until 7 or 8 am on a weekend night, I have to tell you I would be pretty angry to get up and try to shower to be to work at 9 am, only to go to work smelling like a gross, dirty ashtray. And I will be working at 9 either Saturday or Sundays within the coming week or two.

This place is by far the most poorly ventilated apartment I have ever lived in. On top of it being completely horrible for my own lungs to be inhaling not only the cigarette smoke but also the carbon monoxide from the BQE traffic, it is also awful for the dog.

I would think that since it seems as if you have no interest in following through with any kind of “no smoking in the common areas but only smoking in the bedrooms” rule that we talked about some months back, that you might be interested in investing in some kind of hepa filter, smoke eater or general air cleaning device, and also remembering what we talked about some months back.

Of course there will always be the excuse of “but how can I tell my friends not to come in and smoke since I smoke”. Most people do not smoke these days, however, and those who do are used to making concessions. I can tell you that if our apartment and my clothes always smell like the ashtray that they do at this moment (after 20-30 minutes out there, mind you), that I will have to move, not only for the sake of my health and the disgusting smell of our apartment, but for my dog as well.

This is a matter of respect, and like we have discussed before, you said there would be no smoking in the common areas, yet in the 3 nights I have slept here as of late, 2 were smoking nights.

Even if you just consider the physics of the situation and the fact that there are no windows we can open to ventilate properly. And those that do open open from above to allow clouds of carbon monoxide in, you would realize, and I am not over-dramatizing here, that we are living in a lung cancer trap.

Regardless, I do understand that you want to be able to puff away and party like it’s 1999, but we talked about this before, and I never would have moved in here if I thought it was going to be in air that was stagnant, stale, smoky, disgusting and generally undesirable. I would never have moved in period if that was the case, and especially to a place that had nowhere for the smoke to go, and absolutely no fucking way to ventilate.

I hope you can see where I am coming from and try and respect this. You don’t smell how thick the smoke really is since your lungs are already coated, and your sense of smell already damaged from the years you have smoked already. But it is seriously thick out there right now and I am not excited at the prospect of having to sleep here and smell that for the next week or until you decide to bring the next party in…

It’s just not fair is what it is. And I really need you to find out of M really does smoke. Because if he does and this is how things are going to go, I need to start looking for a new place to live right now.
