I keep trying to distract. A bad idea considering everything is finally coming together o’er here. And the fact that my dog and I are not welcome together at my boy’s house anymore, it should be a priority.

Today’s highlights so far:

1). Talking to the boy about his catching of 67(!) sea robbins and 3 fluke while out fishing. We are going fishing on Monday, so I am quite excited.

2). Tofutti CUTIES. If you don’t know about these delicious little tofu ice cream sandwiches, I do feel badly for you. But not for me. Hell is a cold freezer. Heaven is a freezer full of ice cream all for me!

3). Saying “I look like someone peed on my head, and I look like I ate a shit sandwich” to a photographer who finally sent me his pictures of my heart surgery scars for his book project. You know you love it when you get the opportunity to write those sentences in the same email. There is one good thing about these pictures, however. I am an atrocious brunette. Like in that “Oh god, ew” kind of way. No more brown for me, nuh uh. I look like “a scalloped potato stuck on the bottom of a shit stained shoe” with brown hair.

4). Uh, having time to keep obsessing over the idea that I really am not getting any emails from anyone.

5). My sister in Denver sent me a postcard. This should be number one, but my mind is duller and my wit is failing me right now.

6). And on that note, responsible deanna returns to work…