Anyways…words are knuckled on the side of my brain, waiting to drip down in explosion out of my mouth. I got asked to runway model this fashion show in town next Friday, at a bar no less, and I am having issues deciding what to do. The bar fashion show is usually pretty stupid, makeup and hair in a freezing room for 3 hours for about 5 minutes of walking fame. Then people do what they do, and usually I sit stunted at the lack of general communication available in the room. Yes, they have advertising, yes my pictures are going to be in a slideshow on the wall as the “Lloyd Goldman girl”, but do I care? I mean sure, with all this ego trumping I have suffered lately, it would be nice to be a little superstar for a night. That same night is the MW/Kaiser Chiefs show. It’s a big deal for the boy for me to be there, given that they have the middle slot, and are no longer the opening act. And I dig a little rock n roll. But they will be playing quite a bit in the coming months to lay out their record, releasing in August. And I think maybe I should try it one more time, maybe get some more modeling work out of it, but I don’t know. Rock shows are fun, good music and all. I have never seen the Kaiser Chiefs, but I don’t know the music anyways. I am musically inept, paralyzed by years of just not giving a shit about the radio. Somehow during this time all of my underground progressive emo rock became pop, and I really think I missed the boat.

Who knows? I gotta decide soon, but I want the decision made for me.