So I could whine on about how my period started again after stopping, but the doctors in all of their enviable wisdom tell me I am just fine, and everything is normal. And I could be upset at bleeding for two weeks as of tomorrow, but I have realized that there is nothing I can do, and my body will do as it wants to, so I have decided something. I am sure I have left little to the imagination lately in terms of my various struggles with this shit, but I really have to stop talking about it.

So that’s over. At some point I am sure it will stop. And if it doesn’t, forget it. Who cares? Though half of me is kicking myself for deciding spontaneously to fix it, and deal with it, because I wouldn’t have anything to complain about if I just carried on as I always have, ambivalent and apathetic to the struggle my body has in trying to maintain some homeostasis. Checkmark on lesson learned.

Yes. So today I woke up friskified to go into the outside world, and do my brunch ritual which has been de-ritualized because I do like spending time with my boy on Saturday nights, waking up on Sunday and being lazier than normal on Sunday afternoons.

But we were apart last night, so it was still okay to do my thing today, although I do miss him. Tonight we shall see each other, and tomorrow being a freaky holiday means a shorter working week and necessitates Monday being another Sunday.

Whoo whoo.

I need a nap now. Full of oatmeal and all things good, I feel the need to sleep it off. Which I shall do now. And finish my deadline later.

Happy Sunday to all!