We’ve got the US bombing Iran, we’ve got a super duper new strain of AIDS, the polar ice caps are melting and our long standing sense of homeostasis planet-wide is about to be blown open. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5052363/ for a party in your pants.

Oh yes, you greedy gas guzzling Americans blowing holes in the ozone that every other country is going to have to pay for while we sit and point fingers at everyone else.

Oh yes, these are the party times. Did anyone see that dude from the economic advisory committee saying that the American tax dollars used for the war would “never exceed 2 billion” in 2004? Ohh, whoops, only a hundred times our guestimate. Sorry folks, we wanna strong-arm the whole middle east, and we will drain your economy under some false pretense that it matters. What about education, what about health insurance, what about the fact that if any money was poured into alternative fuel research like it’s been poured into destroying people and lives, we would have a fucking solution already?

Oh, but isn’t that a conflict of interest when your Prezzy pants made lots of family loot with the oil dug deep into Texas? I really wish the ground would start caving in like it’s going to. I wish Earth would start kicking us in the pants like we deserve. And the economic downfalls of these oil-dependent countries wouldn’t really matter because all of the current oil-industry people could be taught the new technology. Then the Middle East would have to build it’s own economy, a real economy, and we would have to get out. Then you would have different mega-corporations and monopolies trying to take over. But then, at least, we wouldn’t be burning holes in the atmosphere to feed our greedy little 2 car family irresponsibility.

Oh, and you think your government gives a shit about you, or the environment? HA. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/1/24/133259/684

“I take his work seriously. His work has had a big impact on this administration’s climate-change policy,” Marburger said. “But he’s not an economist. The fact that he’s a good scientist does not necessarily make him the best person to formulate policy that would affect the economy.”