Oh yes, hyper girl has replaced morbid my uterus is strangling me from afar lady.

Hyper girl is a result of my now-better body coupled with frisky weather that makes me want to molest the sun.

Things are starting, albeit slowly, to come together and make a little more sense in the grander scales of life.

Valentine’s Day went swimmingly better than I had thought, given that I suspected I would be down for the count. I was a little bitchy, and insecure, which is probably natural given my time of the month.

Regardless, it consisted of dinner prepared for me by my lovely which was artichokes and this paprika sprinkled indian chicken recipe and rice. Cookies and cream ice cream was the end of it all. And this morning it was difficult for me to be roused awake given that my body said sleep while E decided to shower.

But I woke up, came home, took the diznog out, hung out with Sean, talked to Francis, and life is good again. The sun shining so bright at hard was the cherry on top of my existence today, and I realize everything will be fine.

Now all I gotta do is get those articles done for the magazine and send them in before the deadline, something that should be easy given that they are mostly written anyways.

I need to adopt a few new girl-friends to hang out with. When the inevitable result of hanging out with the ladies is some basic manipulative back-stabbing bullshit, or simply not being available or trustworthy, you realize you gotta get some of the good ones. Inherently, most of the chicks that I chill with are lesbians because the normal “you are getting along with my boyfriend or I am trying to steal yours” that straight girls put me through is not inherent. These days I just need some girls who aren’t gonna be flaky or lame, girls that wanna hang out and do stupid girl stuff. As it is, none of the girls around me are too available, or living in different states. I need the juxtaposition of chilling with them instead of the boys every day, because that companionship I miss, that outlet I lost, and that connection is yearned for.

I digress. I have to work the bar tonight for a mere 5 or 6 hours. Money should be “interesting” given this is the first Tuesday I have worked ever. I really need to get my head above water and forget that job which is nothing but a headache.

I don’t need it. No more headaches, no thank you.