Today is Sunday, the warmest day yet this year I think, and even if it isn’t, I respect the small bits of sun that perks and peaks my skin whenever I can get it. It also happens to be Stupid Bowl Sunday. I grew up watching the game and count it my least favorite team sport, whose number one spot holds baseball slickly followed by basketball. Given that I grew up in Mass, I am a weird kind of Pats fan, though in that nostalgic for your state kind of way. Not because I actually care or give a shit. In fact, I still hate the Red Sox for their classless displays of crassness on field and off. Massachusetts has this weird nostalgia for its sports teams that probably isn’t nostalgia at all but an evil spreading obsessing bordering on compulsion that allows the citizens to be up in arms and burning it all down even when their teams win.

Today started off snuggly and cute in the hug hold of Baby One, my favorite fucking person right now. I suppose this reciprocal love thing is normal in the world of male and female relationships but it just might be the first time I actually feel like I have someone I see eye to eye with…He made me waffles this morning and I cut the blueberries and strawberries and now he sits in bed digesting the vast amounts of turkey bacon waffles and berries that we have eaten. Later on we will watch the Stupid Bowl and eat some Atomic wings with blue cheese and plenty of carrots and celery to wet the palate as well as Coronas to wash it all down. That, I swear, is the only Stupid Bowl tradition I still appreciate, hearing the screams and roars in the background as I nap after having ingested sick amounts of nachos and bean dip my grandpa used to make, chips and various other fat ass creating snacks.

Me and my one female friend in the city are gonna write like bastiches tomorrow. You better not forget Miss Candy Darling, or I will beat you with jump ropes.

Mmmm. And this political stuff that Sean is writing about has great relevance in the wheel of life but I honestly feel like people are way too wrapped up in their consumerist non-ideological immoral lives to really criticize or see the true breadth of damage that is being done by our current administration. I mean, with all the flat screen TVs and SUVs dominating today’s households, why would anyone be up in arms over our actions in places most americans will never see? Why would anyone who could find comfort in their video games and BMW’s really ever care that our President is a lying asshole who basically is digging holes everywhere that will take generations to fill and repair? Why care if you’ve still got it together…this is all dependent and temporary anyhow as jobs continue to be lost and outsourced to other countries who are willing to do our basic work for nothing as most of thecountry cannot afford college or a college education anymore anyways. So go educate yourselves America, get more job skills, work at more convenience stores because they will always be around. And remember, Big Daddy has a plan for your health insurance and social security too. He’s got all the answers doesn’t he? So you take your $5.75 minimum fucking wage, cut that in quarters at least. Now you got what…$4 something, take a dollar, put it into your health care savings account, take another one and put it in your retirement fund, now you got $2 to feed clothe and house yourself. Maybe you could buy some nice magazines to cut up to decorate your fancy deluxe washing machine box that will now be your home. And when you’re fifty and you have your first heart attack, watch your “health care savings account” get emptied and drained and watch the administration come in and take YOUR cardboard box that you have lived in for years, and tell you that it’s there’s. And now that you have a new identifiable line of credit, forget your husband or anyone else in your family that might need health care. And f them even harder if they need preventative medicine, something that our hospitals will not dole out unless you do have coverage. Think about it like this, you have a tumor. If it bursts, it will kill you, but they really don’t know when that will happen. Why don’t you just go get it taken out before it bursts, you ask? Because you are not dying, and hospitals are only required to treat people on death’s door or at least the steps before they take action. Otherwise it’s wait until the shit hits the fan before we help you.

This is the thing though…If you truly consider what kind of world we live in today and how messed up the religious right is in everything that they do, there will be no point in planning for retirement because it will be pre-decided that none of us will have one. Simply because we will nothing but ashes on the nuclear fields that we once called our country.