This is one of those dude mornings. I woke up to TVLand’s 10 greatest
Andy Griffith moments, and I realized something: that show sucked. At
least it sucks now, and any humor or amusement it may have had is now
wasted on my dead grandparents.

But anyways…my medicine. Cobra town likes to mess with me simply
because I am a serious liability (meaning they actually have to pay out
for my treatment) and tell me I am canceled yet it is still greedily
collecting my checks and money. So, as a result, what should have been
$7 bucks in meds is actually $72. So now I have to go through the whole
bru-ha-ha of dealing with re-imbursements. But, it did remind me that
they owe me another $90 from other medicines I procured while their
“system” messed up. I hadn’t had my Toprol in 3 days, I hadn’t had my
lisinopril in 2 days, and as I was working last night feeling slightly
unnerved and unhinged at not being drowned in a cathartic narcotic coma. These are the side effects from actually taking the
medicine, so you can only imagine what would happen if you jerked
yourself suddenly off of it.


Central Nervous System: Tiredness and
dizziness have occurred in about 10 of 100 patients. Depression has
been reported in about 5 of 100 patients. Mental confusion and
short-term memory loss have been reported. Headache, somnolence,
nightmares, and insomnia have also been reported.

Central Nervous System: Reversible
mental depression progressing to catatonia; an acute reversible
syndrome characterized ny disorientation for time and place, short-term
memory loss, emotional lability, slightly clouded sensorium, and
decreased performance on neuropsychometrics.

Check on the short term memory loss, check on the nightmares.


Other adverse reactions that have been reported with the individual
components are listed below: Lisinopril In clinical trials adverse
reactions which occurred with lisinopril were also seen with PRINZIDE. In addition,
and since lisinopril has been marketed, the following adverse reactions have
been reported with lisinopril and should be considered potential adverse reactions
for PRINZIDE: Body as a Whole: Anaphylactoid reactions (see WARNINGS,
Anaphylactoid and Possibly Related Reactions), malaise, edema, facial
edema, pain, pelvic pain, flank pain, chills; Cardiovascular: Cardiac
arrest, myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident, possibly secondary
to excessive hypotension in high risk patients (see WARNINGS,
Hypotension), pulmonary embolism and infarction, worsening of heart failure,
arrhythmias (including tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, atrial tachycardia,
atrial fibrillation, bradycardia, and premature ventricular contractions), angina
pectoris, transient ischemic attacks, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, decreased
blood pressure, peripheral edema, vasculitis; Digestive: Pancreatitis,
hepatitis (hepatocellular or cholestatic jaundice) (see WARNINGS,
Hepatic Failure), gastritis, anorexia, flatulence, increased salivation;
Endocrine: Diabetes mellitus; Hematologic: Rare cases of neutropenia,
thrombocytopenia, and bone marrow depression have been reported. Hemolytic anemia
has been reported; a causal relationship to lisinopril cannot be excluded; Metabolic:
Gout, weight loss, dehydration, fluid overload, weight gain; Musculoskeletal:
Arthritis, arthralgia, neck pain, hip pain, joint pain, leg pain, arm pain,
lumbago; Nervous System/Psychiatric: Ataxia, memory impairment, tremor,
insomnia, stroke, nervousness, confusion, peripheral neuropathy (e.g., paresthesia,
dysesthesia), spasm, hypersomnia, irritability; Respiratory: Malignant
lung neoplasms, hemoptysis, pulmonary edema, pulmonary infiltrates, eosinophilic
pneumonitis, bronchospasm, asthma, pleural effusion, pneumonia, wheezing, orthopnea,
painful respiration, epistaxis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis,
rhinorrhea, chest sound abnormalities; Skin: Urticaria, alopecia, herpes
zoster, photosensitivity, skin lesions, skin infections, pemphigus, erythema.
Other severe skin reactions (including toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson
syndrome) have been reported rarely; causal relationship has not been established;
Special Senses: Visual loss, diplopia, photophobia, taste disturbances;
Urogenital: Acute renal failure, oliguria, anuria, uremia, progressive
azotemia, renal dysfunction (see PRECAUTIONS
and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION), pyelonephritis,
dysuria, breast pain.

Oh, how lovely. Guess who needs to get off this shit again, and quick.

It seems odd to me that medicine which
is supposed to help a certain condition has the absolute ability to
also kill you in the same manner. And although I got up this morning
and eagerly traipsed to my local drug store to get it, I still wonder
what would happen if I just fucking quit all this bullshit aside from
the blood thinners, which prevent stroke if my blood is a little frisky
and a clot hits my valve. I wouldn’t die, for sure, but my blood
pressure needs some regulation. Of course, if I could do this naturally
and live a fairly stress-free life, then I would be just fine.

Unfortunately for me, life has been anything but “stress free”.

Oh Calgon you piece of shit, you best be givin’ this chick a break this year.

Cause I am tired of this crap.


Though on lighter notes, I LOVE THE WEATHER. I went outside
earlier with diznoggeh, and we walked around. Then I went to my Spring
and Summertime cafe and read the paper as I ate “my usual” of iced cafe
con leche and fresh squeezed OJ, and egg cheese mushroom and tomato egg
sandwich on Cuban Bread.

Today is a frisking around kind of day. This makes me happy. Oh yes it does.

SO I challenge all of you to get out and “FRISK” dammit.