Fictionalized details, based on RX-characters [names have been changed]: L=R.Monroe

This is my lesson to miss Liza. She, being the invariable funny girl,
gets herself involved in this situation that wreaked of drama, and
youth and invariably led me to believe that she was just bored, and
needed to get her kick on.

Now, I told her this, because as a girl, we all know we crave drama on
some level, and for her, this involved getting into finagling with
someone who took away her boredom, if not only for a short time.
Problem was, the drama wasn’t the kind of drama we all en visage
ourselves taking advantage of..that being the flip flopping, mind
socking kind of shit that keeps you scratching your head wondering what
the fuck.

What the fuck is going on? I like observing these things from afar and
commenting on them up close because, the point is, I do care about her.
But I wonder why it is that as human beings we are drawn to the things
that have the potential to burn us the fastest, and more often than
not, they do.

She gets involved with someone who falls for her hard, within a short
span of weeks. Now Liza isn’t that kind of girl, the kind of girl to
just stick true to one kitty who hasn’t really proven herself, so I
wasn’t worried. Then the talk of future telling, web spinning, are you
the one, could she be the one what is going on eventually comes and
smothers the shit out of everything good…this being the tortured
other girl. I think this happened during week 2, was it? So I give
Liza this advice: take your time, it’s a not a fucking race to the
finish line, it’s not the fucking apocalypse, you don’t need to find
THE ONE today this week, this year, and that shit is more relevant and
becomes more obvious with time..TIME AND TRUST..yes.

So I think she follows my advice. Which only works up to a point, of
course. The lady friend questions whether she should have sex with her
ex. Now Liza said sure, whatever. Her ambivalence was not an endearing
quaility, but just her. This conveniently follows a conversation about
whether or not Miss Liza would fuck a good friend of the tortured
girls. Of course, Liza staying true to herself says, Sure. Liza is
not one of those people who gets all wrapped up in the smush and push
of emotions, so she is honest and speaks her mind. Laying haphazardly
in bed after a weekend of raucous sex, both girls commence speaking on
the subject of exclusivity.

Inevitably the exclusivity conversation concludes in a “we are dating”
discussion and both girls walk away, happy with themselves.

Until a grand three days later Liza is shocked and surprised to hear
that her tortured lady friend wants to have an open relationship,
conveniently on an evening when she hangs out with her ex-girlfriend,
the very same ex-girlfriend who she questioned having sex with a mere

three days before. Also, now she wants things to go slowly, more naturally, which seemed to be the thing Liza was trying to enunciate to her in the beginning. Now she wants to ease into monogamy, but Liza is tired, as Liza should
be. You can’t backpeddle, it’s unnatural. And if you can’t last three
days in without having to think about fucking someone else, why bother
with exclusivity at all? Liza needs a fuckbuddy. She doesn’t need
someone to blow shit up into millions of dramatic flowery pieces.

So the moral of the story is this: Number One, run like hell if someone
tells you they are getting way too attached after a week. Run like hell
if they pull the trump card of, I want to have sex with other people,
but never mention that they want you to take the same liberties too.
Run like hell if your other decides three days after “officially
dating” that they want to now have sex with other people even though
that was the point of discourse a mere three days before. Now, the
thing that Liza didn’t realize when she was going through this was
that the exclusive dating happened only after tortured girl realized
Liza was Liza and she would fuck her friend if the right
circumstances came up. She also didn’t connect the I want to fuck other
people coincidence that occurred on the night in question. People like
to leave themselves life lines, and tortured girl did this, so if she
did fuck her friend, she could then excuse all guilt from her soul
because she had the we must now not be monogamous conversation several
hours before the dirty deed was to occur.

So girls, yes
girls can be just as terrible to you as boys. It’s just human
nature. And yes, we are all addicted to drama, but if you’re bored,
try something a little less destructive, like say, an entire bottle of Maker’s Mark.


Quote of last night:

You thought things could be all pretty and lovely until the suitcase of sextoys came out and blew that all to bits.