It would not be a fiery furnace, it would be like walking into a large freezer, where your snot freezes at contact with the frigidness.

Today is hell.

In other news, though I am having difficulty controlling my fingers because they are creaky and stiff to type, it is a bit warmer inside than out.

Fun facts about the past few days.

I found a dead mouse stuck on my glue trap, which was promptly removed by Valerie Rae last night. Those little monsters have made it completely impossible for me to actually go into my cabinets because they shit all over. So I keep them closed and my stuff is in the fridge. I have tried to kill them and this little guy just must have hit it the right way because poison cubes and glue traps have not curbed the ghetto mouse problem at all. I hate them, not because they are mice but because they poop all over my stuff, and they cause bad diseases. I should hot glue my cabinets shut because I really don’t want to spend two hours cleaning it all over again.

I saw Sean, which was nice and familiar in that way I needed. It’s nice to have my friend back.

I love my boy sofuckingmuch.

I am undergoing a top secret mission to improve this one aspect about myself that only a handful of people know about. Shhhhhh.

If Brent will let me and purchases a nice palace in Jamaica, I wanna spend my yucky winters there if there is any possibility, all in exchange for some hours of painting the premises.

I still am coughing up stuff. Yuck.

Life is getting good, it’s the staying good I gotta work on.

Tonight is my Friday. Then I have 6 days off. Usually I have 4 days off in between work.

Rocknrollrollnrock bla bla bla.