I passed out last night to the Science Channel, chock full of goodies on various subjects from the Tsunami to the landing of the probe on Titan’s moon on Friday. Tongues, the history of Monopoly and various other subjects pervaded my dreams.

Erin showed up in my dreams again, having pulled over before me as I was driving on some random highway trying to escape some natural disaster. She looked thin, good, even, and waved at me as I pulled up after her on the side of the road. She was with some other characters from my past, Natalie, and some dude that let the leash go for my dog later on in the dream. I told him I would close my hands tightly around his throat if he ever dared to mess with me again until his last breath was taken. Now, usually I am not a violent girl. I think worse than I say, given that whole think before you speak role that I usually take unless I am completely emotionally overwhelmed, which of course would be obvious if some douchebag was walking your dog and dropped the leash. She ran under a truck and I got her, so all was well with her.

I slept on the couch, fully clothed and wearing a jacket, down of course. As the night wore on I subconsciously stripped down to my tank top and skirt and wrapped myself in my faux downy goodness, legs bared. Pizza man descended the stairs at 11:45 looking to wake me up, but I faked my sleep a bit longer so I could do things on my own terms.

Hell hath frozen over in this part of town given that the pizza man actually helped me clean up.

Today my lovely is suffering from fluish behavior. I am trying to lure him to deanna’s wellness bootcamp, but my sales pitch is never aggressive enough to close the deal.hahahah. Funny to even consider in the larger sense.

Today is huge pants wearing tank top sporting sneaker pimping deanna. It’s warm in my place–quite warm so I could be wearing shorts and it would be just fine. I looked up at the skeletons of spring and started missing the warmth of summer and newness of birth. Flowers and trees and all pretty things are sorely missed by me in the dark months. I hate it.

So much to do–and a ton of time to do it.

Thank you.