So today’s experiment involves juggling a number of tasks, which should prove to be both fulfilling and obvious.

I spent some time with River yesterday evening, and remarked on my grand realization.

“I know what you’re saying”, he says. ” “I thought that for a while.”

“Why the fuck didn’t someone tell me?!” I asked, incredulous that
anyone who’s close to me wouldn’t just tell me to just give it up

“Because it’s heart surgery, Deanna”. “What the fuck did you want me to say?”

Uh. ANYTHING, given that you’ve seen me get messed up in lots of situations over the past year, I thought.

But then we started talking about his ex-roommate Ken, and he said, he
did what you were doing with your heart stuff, but his was everything is
horrible for him and he’s an underdog because he’s black.

Huh. Strange, isn’t it?

I have this interview in an hour and my stupid transcription is still not done. CURSES to time~hahaahha