I got this request the the other week for my mailing address, which I
handed over with no qualms, because who doesn’t to open a real live
letter or package every once in a while?

I got the little paper that said that the delivery attempt was made,
but unsuccessful. Unaware that they actually only attempt delivery
once, I let it sit on my kitchen table for a few days. Then I thought
cool, whatever it is I can turn into a birthday present by waiting.
However, I do remember an occasion when my mom sent cookies, and they
sat in the post office for a few days so that by the time I got them
they were a little tougher and less yum than they would have been. So I
went today and retrieved my package. I knelt down at after I bounced
out of the post office and proceeded to open the box with my keys.
Resting on top was a sticker-adorned gold foiled jewelry box wrapped in
bubble plastic. I opened that up, and read the note. Underneath the
note was something I needed. I looked three times, muttering to myself,
oh she did not. But, she did, and I felt that embarrassment you get
when someone compliments you and you don’t know what to say.
Accompanying this something I needed was something I also need, and
wanted. Music. Two cds with master copies wrapped together because she
must have known what happens to cds in my apartment sometimes. So now I
have music. I was on my way to pay my cell phone bill, and this gift
was probably the nicest thing anyone
has done for me in some time. I even made occasion to stop at
StarFuckers and get my favorite treat ever: iced caramel machiatto with
extra carmel.

Many thanks to:

I really really really was so surprised. And both things are a huge help. And for that, I thank you immensely.