The sun is beaming outside right now, and I didn’t feel a pinch of hotness until I helped haul up her third roommate’s belongings up the stairs.

I have decided not to schizophrenically move just yet, so when Joey leaves the establishment (the apartment, that is) at the end of October, I will be taking over his room. This way I can manipulate and forge through all of my affairs without leaving ends untied and situations floating.

I spent the last two days in the company of old friends who won’t be so far away when I move back. When I trudged to NY the first time it was with Francis, but when she left I was left without friends and a support system that really worked. I have very few people I call friends, one being S, the other being B, and lastly, the fetus, Mr. C. I have one friend who lives in Brooklyn, Jenny, I have known since 12, but we really don’t spend a lot of time together. It will be nice to move and have everyone close to me, especially Francis and Meagan and Kate. I have never really counted that many females as my friends, but it seems the rules have changed for the grandfathered few.

We spent time in Newport, RI, ate at the Red Fez in Providence, and drank whacky drinks out of crazy cups at Mesquamicut beach on Monday. When we swam it rained, and I was slightly disturbed that my lung capacity from half smoking for all those years made it harder than I remembered. I smoked my last cigarette last Tuesday evening, early Wednesday morning, so I am definitely feeling less toxic and more clean. I will be using my newfound health to run like crazy and do some weights when I get back to the gym Saturday morning.

Wow. My vacation was much needed, and I appreciate all that miss Francis and Jeff have done for me to make it possible; from FRancis opening her space to me to Jeff taking care of my dog.

yay for me. Friends have recaptured their true meaning for me again.