So I finally finished something-namely the tattoos that I had unfinished for so long that are finally coming together in a sort of upper/lower body piece of sorts. I am getting my fire arm and water arms meeting soon in the back of me, and as a testament to my childhood curiousity, some sea horses/dragons/octopi and various sea creatures going down my hips-stomache-legs.

Things have been whacky but somehow still make more sense than they uses to-I am not moving currently, but may switch my destination point sometime in the future to include Austin, Texas, a place I have been wondering about for quite some time now. Just about anywhere is better than those places that provide cold-as-fuck winters, so international travel is not ousted either.

I get bitchy and leave, undo my bitch and come back again. I read this book that reminded me that the fact that I do not have any good friends truly is because I am not a good friend. Though it isn’t so much that but the fact that I truly do get distracted and bored by people and find much to be amused with in my own world and imagination.

A lonely thing, sure, but I have always been intrinsic to myself and certainly never needed the acceptance of any group as a whole.

Which brings me to tbis: how funny is it that I hang around no tattooed people at all? I am not talking sorority sun bearers, but people with substantial work. I thought for a long time I would end up with a tattoo artist, but then I realized I am more turned on by cerebral super-smarties than I am by people who just paint on people. There is something beautiful, almost poetic about the nature and process by which we are adorned. For me it is partially a rejection of my heart surgery scars and a taking back of my sanity and choice to look as I wish by putting marks on my body I do wish to bear. The other part I realized yesterday is that it’s a pretty shirt you never have to take off. Someday the nursing homes will be filled with the inky and weathered lot of us. That, to me, is beautiful.
