So my friend’s wedding was very cool to attend; rarely have I seen her so beautiful and happy. I spent a great deal of time with mutual friends of ours. It’s funny, the friends I have met in Mass are the kinds of people you can not see for a really long time, and when it’s time to get together, we all utter the same promises of keeping in contact, but our lives are usually swimming busily out of control too much to make good on those promises. The true beauty of all of that is that when we are together we all remember why it is we make those promises, anyhow. There’s nothing like old-as-fuck friendships to remind you where you came from.

The bitty bar I think I am quitting. I have been paid for 1 of 7 shifts I have worked, and the owner somehow thinks he can make demands on me. Because he has broken his end of the deal, I might have to as well. I feel such guilt for my extreme feelings of responsibility but I have to adjust and get some balls to just get the fuck out.

I am super menstrual-in-pain cranky girl. When you hit 25, your period has the tendency to get worse to the point of coital appreciation time and somehow actually get worse as the years go on. My tolerances for pain are so high that I know I can handle standing and all that when most girls would be crying in small balls of shake.

Hot, warm, cold. uhm uhm uhm.

Today I get my first CC tip check from the hotel. That’s for hmmm….Thursday, Friday, Sunday. Should be at the worst 600. I have walked with some 300 bucks in cash so that’s about 300 a night. Notsobad.

Bla bla bls. I am too emotional and non-sensical to keep boring people with my writing today.

until then.