I wish my co-workers would unionize. We are owned by a big company so I think there would be plenty willing participants. I gave my notice (finally) on Monday after a long conversation with my manager. I don’t have a job yet, but it doesn’t matter, because I am going back to what I know and love to support my little butt. Of course I have to worry about Cobra so my heart doesn’t go boom, but I think I will manage. It means being a pauper and not giving in to the temptation of being in the city all day long, which means protein bars and Burger King when money is skidding past me with little time to figure it all out. Burger King-I actually did eat there the other day, after a many year hiatus.

I think I have a worm or something. There is no explanation for my lack of weight-gaining when I chow on the amount of garbage I chow on.

B and I drove down to Bradley Beach yesterday afternoon. We got out of the car only to pit stop at 7-11, where we procured sandwiches, three donuts, two Snickers protein bars, and a beverage. We ate most of it, then stopped at Taco Bell because he had never been there. Now Taco Bell I would never argue has any kind of presentable food choices, but when you have nothing, it really isn’t that bad of an option. In fact, it can be tasty. I know they shoot out the innards of their menu choices with caulking guns, but that’s just funny to me, and not a reason to avoid.

La la la la. The hunger pangs I feel now are a result of over-indulging. I want a coffee.

I need a little luck blessing over my newly found sanity. I had a long discussion with a co-worker of mine about the cost of having worked here. The stress tore apart my relationship starting last July and killed it dead in December. I think it would have torn my heart apart if my body wasn’t so stubborn. I don’t blame him; the negativity was the all-consuming, overwhelming kind. I would have cut it off sooner had I known how bad I was. But that is all in the past now. I coast until things change again.

My chest has that bubble gum feeling today. Time to exterminate the cigarette smoke from my home.