So…I swear: I don’t know if I am existing to be some major antagonist to the people around me, or if it’s just the weather. Or maybe everyone is just insane. V and I talked about this slew of mean-spirited letters being sent my way from Alex, my old roommate who relocated to LA. So the story is: she owes me $468 bucks so I kept her cds as collateral because it took her almost 9 months to get her shit from my house, and even then, she didn’t even come but sent some haphazard relation to get them. So her and her boyfriend have been trying to send me these insulting letters claiming I have diseases and sleep around town drunk every other night to cheating on my boyfriend to my relatives dying on me being a sign that they have to get away from me to I am a loser to whatever. Not that it matters, because both of them have earned zero respect from me. I am just so fucking bored trying to fence off verbal attacks from fucking girls for so many years. It’s not that I don’t like the vagina, there are just so many rare instances that I can speak intelligently with one. I am not a jealous person and just never really cared that much about people who haven’t earned my respect. Earning my respect isn’t even that hard, just don’t be a fucking liar or a whore. Actually, go ahead be a fucking liar or a whore, just don’t do that shit to me. I really could care less with what people spend their free time doing, just don’t subject me to the bullshit.

Johnnie and I were talking about the contents of her letters (which were his because she doesn’t know how to write so well) and we both agreed that this should have been very simple. Guys in the same situation would have been like, give me my money and I will give you your stuff. He couldn’t fathom how it could have gotten so out of hand and off the entire point, and I really have no idea. This is why I like hanging with the boys: never for sexual exploration but always for the sanity.

So the moral of the story is: Don’t be mean for the sake of being mean. If you happen to be a holder of the estrogen, think about what you’re saying and doing to the women around you. Especially if you’re being shady, there really is no point. I used to say all the time in regards to men cheating on women: women get fucked over enough without other women fucking them over. Remember that. Maybe it will save someone who could be your best friend a world of hurt.

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