Oh yes. I admit it. Those evil hoaxers did it to me, too! Good thing I hate my work or I might feel bad about fucking up their computers.

Johnnie told me about it which was funny. In the same conversation I told him I was trying to figure out things to hate him for. Not really hate, but things to think about that I didn’t like or find attractive. He called me mean, but you all admit it! I like thinking about him getting old and nerdy. Or taking a shit. I used to think about guys I liked shitting to not think about them anymore. There is something mildly bizarre and fucked up about defecation. Especially when you don’t have to see the person all the time. I mean, I pee with the door open, I have even been known to take a shit with no apologies. And every once in a while, yes, even I let one rip. But c’mon, who doesn’t? All you prissy kitties are big fat liars. J used to get on me for it, but I realized he was too old fashioned and weird to understand girls are oftentimes worse that the boys.

I had this ex roommate of mine write me this letter about my grandmother and Kelley dying, saying ” is that your real gramma or your fake one? sorry to hear that .. must be tough when people in you family keep rejecting you a or just dieing off.” The point of the letter wasn’t to diss the deaths, but to diss me. I have vowed to keep the drama out yet it still comes creeping back. People who use people’s confessed weaknesses as new weapons need to be put in their place. She needs a good kharmic fucking, perhaps.

But, enough on that. I have been a less stressed and better balanced person. I typically don’t spout out fountains of hate, but I am pretty good with words. I am getting my applications together for school. My job wants me to interview for management, which I will consider tomorrow at the meeting I have. I would much rather be a part of the solution rather than the problem so this may be a good fit for me.

bla bla bla. Off to get dinner with my good friend Valerie this evening. She is my new constant, a nice little touchstone away from the insanity. Too bad she doesn’t have a dick, because she would be a pretty good fit for me.