A question of direction.

SO my leg is bunk. Just doesn’t work so well in the winter months, when the blood has to work harder to get anywhere. Gravity certainly doesn’t seem to help, and as a result I get horrendouse cramping, especially prevalent in my right leg. This usually comes from aching cold, but did happen in February while I was romping in Mexico, due to an over excessive snorkeling session. The problem lies in the circumfrence or diameter of the graft they put to that leg; it just doesn’t get enough flow. My hands and my legs turn diabetes purple during the coldest of months.

My living situation is stable as of late, and I can easily disappear for three months to somewhere warmer to make money. The problem is: Health insurance; something that I have worked so hard to get doesn’t kick in until February 1st if I stay at this company. Which brings me into March before I can quit to pursue my other endeavors. I need to pay off my college loan (now a staggering $8 grand from the $2625 I borrowed), Get my portfolio together, and hopefully take care of a round of medical issues before I even try to attend school.

I don’t know what the natural course of action is. 1, stay here and work throughout a sicko winter to get health insurance while not even coming close to completing any resemblence of a portfolio. I get health insurance in February, and hopefully will bank some loot before then.

Option 2 has no real promises either. I take off to Miami from December through February and bartend my ass off. Hopefully I bank a shitload of money, and come back warm. With more sunshine comes more work done, because I am nothing even close to being a partier. This route leaves no insurance, no set job, and a precarious situation to come home to. I could ask for a leave of absence from my job until then, but then I have to wait another 9 months before I get it, and by then I should be in school.

Funny thing is, recent circumstances have taught me that you never know what’s going to happen, and as a result, I really have no idea what to do. I come to Miami with a little dog in tow, and no place to live, no job with an armful of tattoos. I have no car, either, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem if I am in the right area, but what do I know about Miami?

EGh. The one person I would love to confer about this is not around. If anyone has any insights, ideas, or just common sense to nail back into my head, please feel free to express it.