So my weekend was full of drama and too much emotion to stomach so well, but that’s ok.

My birth mother and her mother were in town for the first time together. Her mother spent a good deal of time shedding the guilt she has carried in tears because she made Barbara give me up.

It’s funny when you do the math: I have known my blood for a little over 9 days total throughout my entire existence. It’s funny when you’re adopted and you finally get to see some familiarity in faces and mannerisms. I have come to understand that nature and nurture are almost equal in the ways that they come together to make a person. I am almost nothing like my parents that I know, but to see these women in front of me and watch how they move and understand the simple shit..well, it all makes sense. Thankfully, my mother at 44 is really really beautiful, and bears a striking resemblence to what I may look like one of these days.

On another note, my job is suckass and shitty. I have no time to do anything I want to do..and it’s sucking the life out of me like most jobs do after a time. The potential to make 80, 90 or blah thousand dollars per year is something that is looking less and less and less appealing. The attitude of not giving a shit about your people at all is a bit draining. I got shit on because I took two days off in a row this weekend, which is not allowed in CRUNCH land. I even went so far as to get someone to work for me, another big mistake apparently. You gotta love it when you have never taken a day off, never called in sick, never taken a real break (I work salary, 8-10, 11 hours a day with no break time) and they shit all over you when you take a day off. That and being reprimanded for taking a 7 minute slot of time to make a phone call about my bank card. Very silly, if you ask me.

Oh well. Somewhere, somehow, Crunch will suffer. It’s a nice gym, really, but the company is ghetto.
